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Coastguards- Hove

by Maureen Higgs-Behan 4 April 2005

Hi,can anyone help me in my research of the Higgs’s that lived in Hove from 1837 onwards?. my gt gt grandfather David Higgs was a Coastguard in Hove, he lived at 8 Coastguards Cottages, Hove with his wife Sarah and went on to have 7 children, whilst in Hove, he went on to serve on HMS Dauntless and HMS Princess Charlotte, I can’t find out what these ships looked like, but I guess as they were around in 1837, they were old war ships. My gt gt grandad went on to be a Greenwich Pensioner, and went to Kent to live, but 5 of his sons all remained in the Hove area, I wonder id there are any desendants of these Higgs still remaining in the area?. does anyone know of any Higgs in the area, if there are any around I would love to complete my family tree by adding them to my list. Regards Maureen Higgs-Behan

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