Photos and articles about Brighton and Hove in the time of coronavirus. See our collection and add your own!


by Freddie Duffield 17 November 2006

My name is Freddie Duffield and I am 15 years old from London. I am
studying Geography as one of my GCSE’s. I am very interested in using Brighton as the basis for my Geography Coursework.
The reason that I am writing to you is for some sort of guideance. I would love to investigate Brightons CBD and my brainstorming has lead me towards focusing on Brighton’s CBD and its relationship with the
1. Why are people attracted to Brighton?
2. Does Brighton’s CBD conform to the most other models of CBD’s
3. How does the student population affect Brighton, in particular the
4. The cost of living ?
5. Demographic factors such as age/sex/income/tertiary
and other factors ?
6. House prices?
7. Does Brighton have a traffic problem?
8. Why do so many creative people live in Brighton?
9. Does proximtity to water create a sense of calm to the people who
live there?!?
Any help would be very much appreciated.

Yours Sincerely,
Freddie Duffield

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